When he rapped the chest he did it slowly, carefully . 当他叩打病人的胸部时,他的动作很慢,很小心。
Operation : naturally bending the fingers with both hands , attacking on shoulder up and down 操作:双手呈自然屈曲拳,以腕关节一起一落带动双掌交替着力叩打肩部。
Operation : the performer knocks on “ ba liao ” point up and down with natural fists and then fists changed into palms to knock with strength repeatedly for two to three times 操作:施术者双手自然握拳以腕关节的一起一落带动双拳交替着力叩打,在八?处,变拳为掌叩,并用力叩击二至三次。