[ jí ] Ⅰ动词 1.(达到) reach; come up to 短语和例子 目力所及 as far as the eye can reach; 力所能及 within one's power; 水深及腰。 the water came up to one's waist.; the water was waist-deep.2.(够得上; 比得上) can compare with; be comparable; be up to 短语和例子 我的英语不及他。 my english cannot compare with his. 这辆自行车不及那辆好。 this bike is not so good as that one.3.(赶上) be in time for 短语和例子 这场雪很及时。 this snow has come at the right time.Ⅱ连词 (连接并列的名词或名词性词组) and 短语和例子 工人、农民及知识分子 workers, peasants and intellectuals; 地里种着小麦、油菜及其他作物。 the fields are under wheat, rape and other crops.Ⅲ介词 (到) to 短语和例子 由此及彼 proceed from one point to another; 由东及西 from east to west; 由近及远 from the near to the distantⅣ名词 (姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 及康 ji kang
Example Sentences:
The sputum contains larvae and eosinophils . 痰中含有蛔蚴及嗜酸性细胞。
I love this house and everything in it . 我爱这座房子及里边的每件事物。
He went knee-deep in the icy water . 他在及膝深的冰冷的水中跋涉。
Birds , reptiles and insects come from eggs . 鸟类、爬虫及昆虫是卵生的。
She typed an original and two carbons . 她用打字机打出了原件及两份副本。
Do not say things that you will regret . 不要讲了话而后悔莫及。
Physics and astronomy are cognate science . 物理学及天文学为同性质的科学。
Intubation and assisted respiration will be required . 需要插管及辅助呼吸。
Charity begins at home, they say . 他们说,行善得由己及人嘛。
Both fatalities and residua have been reported . 致命病例及后遗症都有过报道。