| 1. | Fixed point theorems for 1 - set - contra tion mappings in abstract cones 集压缩映射的不动点定理 |
| 2. | Fixed point theorems for upper semicontinuous set - valued 1 - set - contractive mapping 集压缩映射的不动点定理 |
| 3. | The equivalent theorem of contraction operator and its constructing proof 压缩映射原理的等价命题及其构造性证明 |
| 4. | Fixed - point iteration for asymptotically pseudocontractive mappings with error member 具误差的渐进伪压缩映射不动点的迭代 |
| 5. | Study in a few kinds of fixed point problems in set - valued mappings and its applications 广义集压缩映射组不动点定理的推广 |
| 6. | Positive fixed point for semidifferentiable and upper semicontinuous set - valued 1 - set - contractive mapping 集压缩映射的正不动点 |
| 7. | The approximation of the fixed points of lipschitz strongly pseudocontractive mappings in lp spaces 强伪压缩映射的不动点的迭代逼近 |
| 8. | Convergence of implicit iteration process for strictly pseudocontractive map in banach space 空间中严格伪压缩映射隐迭代过程的收敛性 |
| 9. | Approximation fixed points of strictly pseudocontractive mappings by ishikawa iterative procedure 迭代程序逼近严格伪压缩映射的不动点 |
| 10. | Approximate fixed point sequences for a finite family of lipschitz pseudocontractive maps 有限个李普希兹伪压缩映射近迫点序列的收敛性 |