Effects of different planting time on growth and development of gladiolus stolon and cormel 唐菖蒲种球种植期对匍匐茎和子球生长发育的影响
The internode length , branching intensity and branching angle exhibited plasticity 天然臭柏匍匐茎的间隔物长度、分枝强度和分枝角度具有可塑性。
Basipetal and epitropic integration of resources acquired from adventitious roots instantaneously occurred in stolon 臭柏不定根所获取的资源在匍匐茎中能实现向顶性的和向基性的共享。
In this thesis , the strategies of guerilla - type clonal plants to adapt themselves to heterogeneous environments are addressed using both field and greenhouse experiments 本文以匍匐茎和根状茎型草本为材料,应用实验生态学方法研究了游击型克隆植物对异质性环境的生态适应对策。
Low growing perennial with creeping stolons ; leaf light green , rolled in bud ; leaf blade long - lanceolate to linear , apex acute , inflorescence a short , open panicle , somewhat contracted 本种为多年生,矮生性,具匍匐茎;叶淡绿色,在芽期时卷生;叶片条状,先端尖;花序为一短小,开展而稍扁压的圆锥花序。
Tufted with tillers , short rhizomes and stolons ; leaf folded in bud ; leaf blade bluish green , linear with boat - shape tip ; inflorescence an open panicle ; seeds awnless . flowers from april to june 本种?簇生形,具分? * ,亦具短的根茎及匍匐茎;叶在芽期是褶生;叶片蓝绿色,长条状,前端成船状;花序?开放圆锥花序;种子无芒;花期4至6月。
With extension of the stolon , changes of the internode length , branching intensity and ramet length were fit to exponential model . it seemed to " flexibly " adapting to the habitat because the clonal architecture of s . vulgaris had both the traits of " guerilla " and " phalanx " 分株长度、间隔物长度和分枝强度随匍匐茎延伸呈指数模型变化,其克隆构型兼有“游击”型和“密集”型的特点,能比较“灵活”的适应环境。
It is concluded that clonal plasticity is an alternative means for clonal plants to battle environmental heterogeneity . in another greenhouse experiment , we addressed the responses of three stoloniferous clonal herbs inhabiting different habitats to artificial environments with reciprocal patchiness of light and nutrients 在另一温室实验中,研究了三种匍匐茎克隆草本鹅绒委陵菜、金戴戴和绢毛匍匐委陵菜对光照和养分资源交互斑块性环境的反应。
Tufted perennial with strong creeping stolons ; leaf yellowish green to green , folded in bud ; leaf blade smooth , lanceolate , slightly bent at the joint with the sheath ; inflorescence of a terminal single raceme , spike - like , smooth , sub - sylindrical and slightly bent inwards 本种为多年生,簇生性,具强壮匍匐茎;叶绿至黄绿色,在芽期褶生,叶片多平滑,披针至长条形,先端略钝,于叶鞘成一角度折生;花序为单一顶生总状花序,光滑无毛,平扁,稍向内弯。