| 1. | Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the polyesian peoples now living in the pacific islands came from . 人类学家极想知道现今生活在太平洋群岛上的波利尼亚各族人的远祖是从哪里迁来的。 |
| 2. | A dozen strapping polynesians, not one under six feet, ran down the palace walk and ranged behind their commander . 十几个身强力壮的波利尼西亚卫兵,身高都在1.8米以上,沿着皇宫走道快步奔来,在统帅背后列队。 |
| 3. | Named after the gentle waves of the polynesian sea 这名字来自波利尼西亚海的平缓波浪 |
| 4. | Named after the gentle waves of the polynesian sea 这名字来自波利尼西亚海的平缓波浪 |
| 5. | Grand circle island polynesia culture center 10 hours 大环岛玻利尼西亚文化中心10小时 |
| 6. | Malini mehra sets out india ' s climate challenge 马利尼?梅赫拉阐述印度面临的气候挑战。 |
| 7. | And he said , have you a knowledge of greek 他说,你懂得希利尼话吗? |
| 8. | And he said , you know greek 他说,你懂得希利尼话么? |
| 9. | I am listening to jose mourinho and we all want the same thing 我和何塞?穆利尼奥对于球队的未来达成了共识。 |
| 10. | Now there were some greeks among those who went up to worship at the feast 那时,上来过节礼拜的人中,有几个希利尼人。 |