When you are inquisitive , jane , you always make me smile “当你刨根究底时,简,你常常使我发笑。
It was easy to make my further arrangements ; for i was troubled with no inquiries - no surmises 于是接下来的安排就容易了,因为我不必为刨根究底和东猜西想而烦恼。
Jane , i don t like cavillers or questioners ; besides , there is something truly forbidding in a child taking up her elders in that manner “简,我不喜欢吹毛求疵或者刨根究底的人,更何况小孩子家这么跟大人顶嘴实在让人讨厌。
“ jane , i don ' t like cavilers or questioners ; besides , there is something truly forbidding in a child taking up her elders in that manner “简,我不喜欢吹毛求疵或者刨根究底的人,更何况小孩子家这么跟大人顶嘴实在让人讨厌。
At last , having held a document before her glasses for nearly five minutes , she presented it across the counter , accompanying the act by another inquisitive and mistrustful glance - it was for j . e . is there only one ? i demanded 最后,她终于把一份文件放到眼镜底上,过了将近五分钟,才越过柜台,递给我,同时投过来刨根究底,疑虑重重的一瞥这封信是写给. .的。