冷言冷语: mocking words; cold words; cool [sarcastic; ironical] remarks; sarcastic comments; shafts of ridicule; cynicism 短语和例子冷言冷语敲打人 irritate people with sarcastic remarks
冷菜冷饭尚能吃冷言冷语实难受: one can take cold food but not hurtful words
敲打: 1.(在物体上面打) beat; strike; rap; tap; percuss 短语和例子锣鼓敲打得很热闹。 drums and gongs were beating boisterously. 雨敲打着窗子。 the rain was beating on the window. 小孩的父亲敲打他的指关节体罚他。 the child's father gave a