| 1. | The rainy season is from may to october , but it doesn t rain every day 年平均雨量1810 . 3公厘,雨季为五至十月,但下雨天并不密集。 |
| 2. | It is one of the world ' s driest deserts with less than 10 cm of rain per year 是全世界最乾燥的沙漠之一,年雨量连一百公厘都不到! |
| 3. | 5 roll it with a rolling pin into a 3 - 5 cm thick dough . place in baking tray lined with aluminum foil 5用面棒捍成3公厘5公厘的厚度放入已敷好铝纸的模型 |
| 4. | 2 the patients would go off the drugs again once their cell count climbed above three hundred fifty 一旦病人们的细胞数量回升至每立方公厘350时,他们就再次停止用药 |
| 5. | If appropriate , old 10mm holes should be re - drilled to 12mm and the new bolt placed in the same position 取出之后,应将原来10公厘的小洞钻为12公厘,再将新的锚栓设在同样的位置。 |
| 6. | Here , we report 3 cases among a four - membered family afflicted with this disease entity 病例(父亲) :两眼角膜呈现多形性的内皮细胞退化变性,两眼角膜内皮细胞只有1100 /平方公厘。 |
| 7. | Basic design 9mm semi - automatic gun . 12 shot clip . long - range weapon . optional silencer and laser sight 基本设计为9公厘口径半自动手枪, 12发,长射程。可选配消音器和雷射瞄准器。 |
| 8. | The perspective - corrected arms match extremely well ; the maximum discrepancy among arms is about a millimeter 透视修正过的吊灯臂对应得十分完美,臂与臂间最大的误差大约是一公厘。 |
| 9. | The nanotechnology experts at the technion institute in haifa say the text measures less than 0 . 5 square millimeter surface 海法的理工学院奈米技术专家指出,文本面积小于0 . 5平方公厘。 |
| 10. | Sculpted by mr . chen yi - fan , the statue of the late president chiang kai - shek stands 6 . 3 meters tall and weighs 21 . 5 metric tons 蒋公铜像高六.三公尺,厚至六至十二公厘,全重约二十一 |