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English translation for "全忘了"

forgot all about

Related Translations:
忘忧:  escape from oneselfforgetting sorrowundstand
忘了收:  flash mtv
得意忘言:  have a tacit understanding; the meaning being already known, one's words are therefore no more necessary
复核备忘:  action checklist
忘了带:  leave behind
忘绝境界:  no difference
失忘症:  alethia
不能或忘:  jamais je ne t'oublierai
不得或忘:  jamais je ne t'oublierai
勿忘旧情:  don't forget about usdon’t forget about us
Example Sentences:
1.On his launch the sense of heading out into the unknown was almost gone .
2.The majority of us forget in a year or two all that we learnt at school because the conditions of our lives are such as to destroy all inclination for culture or refinement .
3.An interruption put it quite out of my head
4.They forget all about you if you do .
你一走,人们就把你全忘了。 ”
5.You ungrateful fucking prick . you don ' t remember , do you
6.The third time he forgot entirely and explained afterwards
7.But let ' s forget about all that
8.I do remember , said clare ; but i had quite forgotten
“我现在想起来了, ”克莱尔说, “可是我全忘了。 ”
9.Yeah ! they forgot all about us
10.Anyway , forget all that
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