make use of anything as a pretext for blackmailing
Related Translations:
借端: use as a pretext; find a pretext; invent an excuse 短语和例子借端讹诈 make use of anything as a pretext for blackmailing; 借端寻衅 make use of anything as a pretext for seeking a quarrel
借端生事: make trouble under some pretext; avail oneself of a pretext to make trouble; use ... as a pretext to make trouble
借端寻衅: make use of anything as a pretext for seeking a quarrel
讹诈: (借端敲诈勤索; 威协恫吓) extort under false pretences; blackmail 短语和例子大肆讹诈 put on a good bluff; 讹诈钱财 extort money under false pretences; 核讹诈 nuclear blackmail