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English translation for "低温贮藏"

low temperature storage

Related Translations:
贮藏型加双氢链霉素:  plusdihydrostreptomycin
低温阴雨:  low temperature overcast and rainy days microtherm
低温分离器:  cold catch potcold separatorlow-temperature separatorlts
低温条件:  cold condition
低温发动机:  cryogenic engine
低温物质:  cryogenic materials
低温麻醉:  hypothermic anesthesia
低温润滑:  low-temperature lubrication
低温加工:  cryoformingzero working
低温瓷:  pate tendresoft paste porcelain
Example Sentences:
1.Study on low temperature preservation of shatinyu ' s po l len
2.Effects of pretreatment and cold storage on preservation of cut lily lilium longiflorum flower
3.Relationship between changes of heat shock proteins and chilly - injury of nai - plum fruit under lower temperature
4.Storing ultra - dried ceratoides arbrescens seed ( mc 4 . 2 % 4 . 5 % ) in an outdoor temperature or in a low indoor temperature achieves basically the same result - life of the seed is prolonged
摘要华北驼绒藜种子在超乾燥(含水量4 . 2 % 4 . 5 % )室外温度条件下贮藏,与低温贮藏效果基本相同,能显著延长种子寿命。
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