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Home > chinese-english > "他的眼窝发黑" in English

English translation for "他的眼窝发黑"

there were dark circles beneath his eyes

Related Translations:
眼窝:  eye socket; eyehole; orbita [拉丁语]; socket of eyeball; eyecup 短语和例子他的眼窝发黑。 there were dark circles beneath his eyes
发黑:  1.(变黑) turn black; grow black; become black;blacken; darken; nigrify2.(一时眩晕) blackout 短语和例子眼前突然发黑 have a sudden blackout; 发黑氧化处理 brunofix
鱼眼窝:  notch
眼窝凹陷:  pitting of socket of eye ball
眼窝间隔:  interorbital septum
眼窝正视:  foveal vision
眼窝凹陷的:  having deep―set eyes or dark areas under the eyes as from sickness or fatiguehollow-eyed
眼窝再造术:  reconstruction of contracted socket
眼窝移植术:  grafting of eye socket
眼窝前额皮质:  orbitofrontal cortex
Example Sentences:
1.There were dark circles beneath his eyes .
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