He was important and powerful , and his family prospered for many generations 他位高权重,而且子孙后代都人丁兴旺。
Flute sound dream : wish our flutefriends family is full of members , full of warm and happy for ever 笛声如梦:愿我们长笛爱好者的这个大家庭,人丁兴旺,充满温馨,永远开心!
The increasing population and wealth of the earliest civilizations made it possible to support standing armies available at all times for defense and attacking neighbors 人丁兴旺以及不断的财富积累使得他们有足够的能力支持军队抵御外来侵略或攻击邻国。
It demonstrates the traditional concept of reproducing and having a growing family ; it also displays people ' s wish of praying for safety , health and intelligence for children 温州儿童服饰民俗反映出注重繁衍后代、希望家族人丁兴旺的传统观念和人们祈求儿童平安、健康、聪明的美好愿望。
Representations of bull ' s heads in their jewelry were intended to let the god know that they honored him ; by wearing the symbol , they would be rewarded with large families and productive fields 他们珠宝上的牛头图案是要让神知道他们崇敬他;佩戴这样的珠宝,他们会被赐予人丁兴旺的家庭和多产的农田。
In the twentieth century , the earth is getting warmer and warmer with the development of economics , technology and population . there appear many environmental problems such as the thinner ozone layer , air pollution and dried - up water resources 在经济发展,科技进步和人丁兴旺的二十一世纪,伴随而至的是全球变暖臭氧层变薄,空气污染、水源枯竭等环境问题。