The idea that leonardo ' s mother could have been a slave who came to tuscany from constantinople - - now istanbul - - is not new and has been the object of other research 达文西的母亲可能是从康士坦丁堡(今天的伊斯坦堡)到托斯卡尼的奴隶,这个看法了无新意,同时也是其他研究的项目。
The gags are so forced and the characters are so typical that they all fail to capture the attention of the audience . cha tae - hyun s byung - gi is simply a replica of his role in 一看已知,这是了无新意的爱情轻喜剧,情节颇为老土,笑料毫不好笑过瘾,人物性格也都是同类典型,毫无特色可言,唯一可取的,相信是拍得甚为吸引的宣传海报。
The gags are so forced and the characters are so typical that they all fail to capture the attention of the audience . cha tae - hyun s byung - gi is simply a replica of his role in 一看已知,这是了无新意的爱情轻喜剧,情节颇为老土,笑料毫不好笑过瘾,人物性格也都是同类典型,毫无特色可言,唯一可取的,相信是拍得甚为吸引的宣传海报。