Barbara durlacher introduces us to members of the eccentric , literary ( some of them ) english family , the mitfords 芭芭拉向我们介绍了米特福德家族的离经叛道而又书卷气十足的诸位成员。
On the same journey there was a bookish looking man who spent twelve hours standing so as to protect a pair of orchids he had bought for his wife 同是在那次旅途之中,还有一个书卷气的人为了保护他为自己妻子买的一对兰花而站了12个小时。
There are over 10 children with different color of skins writing and drawing with him together , making the class overflowed with the classical reading atmosphere 与他一起挥毫泼墨的还有10馀个肤色各异的孩子,整个教室里洋溢著浓厚的古典书卷气。
For over 800 years , it has been a home to royalty and scholars , and science the 9th century an established town although people are known to have lived in the area for thousands of years 牛津城的建筑洋溢著英国中世纪的古朴味道,为数不少的博物馆及广阔翠绿的草地,令这大学城更具书卷气。
After extensively exploring the painting techniques of ancient traditions , he devised his own unique style by merging these techniques with a modern viewpoint to create a subdued and bookish mood in his works 刘氏对元代四家及明末四僧的画法深有研究及体会,并从中不断探求以期在创作上寻出新意境。其作品富书卷气,风格雅逸。
After extensively exploring the painting techniques of ancient traditions , he devised his own unique style by merging these techniques with a modern viewpoint to create a subdued and bookish mood in his works 刘氏对元代四家及明末四僧的画法深有研究及体会,并从中不断探求以期在创作上寻出新意境。其作品富书卷气,风格雅逸。