[ bùzhīsuǒyǐ ] not knowing why it is so; be at a loss as to the why and wherefore of; be hoodwinked by flattery; not to know what to make of ... [what is up]
When the bewilered troops were in line, the colonel who had spoken first advised them . 不知所以然的兵士们站队完毕,第一个喊话的上校训话了。
I, for my part, was overjoyed to get away out of that quiet countryside, and go to a great, busy house . 我呢,却因为能离开冷清清的乡下,到一个热闹的大家庭去,竟乐得飘飘然不知所以。
He took a few vague steps 他不知所以地走了几步。
By the time the renovations were almost completed , i was pregnant 他不知所以却也照办,当工程接近尾声,我确实怀孕了。
A curious phenomenon has long puzzled developmental psychologists : why do babies seem incredibly smart in some experiments yet utterly clueless when tested with other tasks designed to measure the same knowledge 长久以来,发展心理学家一直对一个奇妙的现象感到困惑:为何婴儿在某些实验中看起来聪明得令人难以置信,但在其他设计来测量相同知识的测验中,却又一副完全不知所以然的样子?
Thus , the upright forms suggestive of human figures , are more than just verticality . they have a rhythmic function : what appear to be staves form cage - like structures , and the eye is led to apertures in fields of contiguous and overlapping stripes and planes 而无论是火或是水,它们都是人类生活的一部份,因为它们可以暗示人类最精密的心理状况和明示躯理造形,常常使人感动而不知所以。