It was perhaps better for her to be early married to so sober a fellow as casaubon . 让她及早嫁给卡苏明这样一个已经到了不惑之年的人,也许对她还是比较合适的。
For the sake of lost memory - an academic review in middle age 一份不惑之年的学术回顾
Milestone birthdays are very important 进入不惑之年的生日是很重要的
This dissatisfaction may stem from the lack of control felt by those in their 40s , as they juggle raising children and the demands of work 这或许是因为身处不惑之年,中年人上有工作压力,下有子女等待抚养,这让他们觉得似乎无法掌控自己的生活。
Philadelphia , april 16 - michael jordan , 40 years of age and favoring crafty head fakes and jump shots rather than the acrobatic dunks and astounding hang time that made him famous , ended his storied playing career tonight 费城, 4月16日已届不惑之年的迈克尔乔丹,相对于令他四海扬名的杂耍般的扣篮,而后不可思议地长时间吊在半空的一系列绝活,更为钟爱自己巧妙的头部假动作和灵活的跳投。
I was over forty and was joining a chorus for the first time in my life ! as soon as i opened my mouth , the sister immediately called me an " unpolished " jadestone , and despite her repeated efforts , she failed to change me into a " polished " piece of jade 曾经有十几年没有开口唱歌,全身的音乐细胞早已五音不全,年纪又是不惑之年,生平第一次参加合唱团,一开口便被专业的师姊称为璞玉,虽经几番调教仍无