黑水晶 meaning in English
black quarts
- He has that ? it lets you tap into an infinite well of magic . he can fire off spells all day and never get tired
他有黑水晶?那件宝物可以让人进入无限魔井。进入魔井的人可以不停歇施放魔法而不会感到疲惫。 - Let ' s each take a target - i ` ll blow up the black crystal , godric destroys the cursed garrison , and for findan the tear of asha
让我们来分配一下任务? ?我负责摧毁黑水晶,哥德里克和芬丹,你们俩分别负责毁掉诅咒要塞和亚莎之泪。 - But that won ' t be easy . markal is no fool and he has prepared himself . his power resides in three legendary relics , the first is the black crystal