首摇 meaning in English
yawing oscillation
- Yaw - angle gyroscope
首摇角陀螺仪 - Yaw rotating test
首摇旋转试验 - 3 . the magnitudes of anchor chain tension caused by heave and pitch is small . so is the effect on dragging anchor . 4 . the depth of water , which anchored ship requires , is to large extent affected by heave and pitch
水深对横荡和首摇运动影响较大,水深增加,横荡和首摇运动幅度增大,因此,对锚链冲击力增大,即对走锚的影响较大。 - The results are of more precision by adopting the latest achievements . conclusions are drawn by a large number calculation . 1 . to large extent , the magnitudes of sway and yaw are affected by the depth of water , so is that of anchor chain tension ; the magnitudes of sway and yaw are smaller in the shallows than in the deep , so is that of anchor chain tension ; 2 . to small extent , the magnitude of heave and pitch is affected by the depth of water
该数学模型突破了以往数学模型的局限性,不仅考虑了纵荡、横荡、首摇运动,还考虑了垂荡、纵摇运动;在该数学模型中还考虑了浅水的影响,对模型中受浅水影响较大的部分作了浅水修正;在计算各外力时,采用最新研究成果,使计算结果更加准确;通过大量计算得出一些很有意义的结论: 1