领域独立性 meaning in English
domain independence
- Since the late 1990s the information extraction on web tables was probed into study , and at present , all the research on it is still quite preliminary . according to the technology studied at present , there are two methodologies . one is based on wrapper , which is a traditional methodology used in ie area and inherently highly web source or domain specific and always non - reusable . the other one is based on table structure recognization , which is mainly study in this thesis . the focus of this thesis is to investigate a methodology which is domain - independent and can adapt more web source to recognize table structure
从当前的研究技术上看,主要有基于包装器( wrapper )和基于结构识别两种方式。前者是传统的信息抽取方法,对页面结构的依赖性强,可重用性差;而后者则是本文研究的重点。本文旨在希望通过研究一种具有空间适应性和领域独立性的表格结构识别技术,使应用程序能够达到理解表格的目的,从而将其应用在web表格信息抽取领域。