
顶点集 meaning in English

vertex set


  1. The euclidean 2 - connected steiner network problem is to determine the minimum - weight 2 - connected steiner network on a given set of points in the euclidean plane
    设p是欧几里德平面上的一个有限点集, n是顶点集为v ,边集为e的一个网络,如果p
  2. Basic graph is a graph for which basis set of matroid is consisting of vertex set . two vertexs are adjoining if and only if there are exactly p ( m ) - l commonality elements in their bases . thus it plays an important role in the further studying
    基图是一个以拟阵的基集为顶点集的图,使图中的两个顶点是邻接的当且仅当这两个顶点对应的基恰好有p ( m ) - 1个公共元。
  3. The method first find the vertex aggregate and the edge aggregate primary , then revise them after checking the radian of the palm - line between two vertices , the palm - lines ’ number between two vertices and the distance of the vertices
  4. Petersen graph is well known in graph theory , a generalized petersen graph , denoted by f ( m , a ) , is defined as follows : its vertex set is u u w , where u - { < / 0 . ? , ? ? ? um - i ] , w ? [ w0 , wi , ? ? ? wm - i } , its edges are given by ( u ; , wi ) , ( ui
    Petersen图是图论中我们熟知的图,广义petersen图,记为p ( m , a ) ,是有2m个顶点的图,其顶点集为,边有点对和给出,这里下标的运算都是在模m下的运算
  5. This paper studies the band percolation of the models of the triangle lattice and the hexagonal lattice . before we study the models of the triangle lattice and the hexagonal lattice , we will introduce period . let g = ( vc , ec ) be a connected graph , we write vg for the set of vertices of g and egfor the set of its edges , u e vc is a vertex , and v is the coordinate vector
    在介绍平面正三角形和正六边形点格的边渗流模型之前我们先引入周期的概念:设g = ( v _ g , e _ g )为连通图其中v _ g , e _ g分别为图g的顶点集和边集, u v _ g为的顶点, v为平面的坐标向量。

Related Words

  1. 创建顶点
  2. 关联顶点
  3. 达顶点
  4. 髁顶点
  5. 特异顶点
  6. 主顶点
  7. 积顶点
  8. 顶点边
  9. 所有顶点
  10. 锥顶点
  11. 顶点活动网络
  12. 顶点基团
  13. 顶点级别
  14. 顶点经度
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