音乐家名 meaning in English
bob dylan
- On the evening of december 18 , 1998 , an unprecedented event made its mark on the prestigious grand shrine auditorium . a musical gala organized by the supreme master ching hai international association entitled " one world of peace . through music , " was made possible by the contributing performances of musicians , vocalists , movie stars , and legendary composer - conductors who have made headlines for many years in the entertainment world
当天1998 . 12 . 18晚上,一项空前成功的活动在此声誉卓著的音乐厅举行-清海无上师世界会在此主办了一场名为和平之音-四海一心的盛大音乐晚会,有许多好莱坞演艺界素享盛誉的音乐家名歌星名影星,以及名作曲家指挥家共襄盛举。