
非对称形状 meaning in English

asymmetrical shape


  1. The major work is as follows : solution of two dimensional radiation or diffraction fluid field . this thesis extends multipole expansion method to adapt to disturbed fluid fields of 2d floating bodies with asymmetric forms , which is applied with symmetric forms originally . and given the solution of potential velocity and hydrodynamic pressure of radiation and diffraction fluid fields , which is incited by a 2d arbitrary form , actual application field of the multipole expansion method has been enlarged

Related Words

  1. 特种形状十字卡环
  2. 对称元素
  3. 对称电动机
  4. 球面对称
  5. 超对称
  6. 对称磁场
  7. 对称性
  8. 对称船
  9. 对称折叠
  10. 对称输出
  11. 非对称形飞机
  12. 非对称形体
  13. 非对称性
  14. 非对称性二甲基精氨酸
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