静态投资回收期 meaning in English
static payback time
- It is not necessary to consider the net scrap value when you calculate depreciation of fixed assets on investment project financial evaluation ; analyzing the profitability of a project , payback period calculating with time value of money should instead of the traditional payback period
投资项目财务评价折旧费计算不必考虑净残值因素;项目盈利能力分析应以考虑资金时间价值的动态投资回收期指标取代静态投资回收期指标。 - In that case , hunan telecomm could improve the synthesized competitiveness . this article adopts commercial model , choose comparative model phs wireless local loop network construction and give its technological economic analysis . through the analysis of the financial indexs , this article calculates firr , payback period of static investment , financial net present value , returns on investment , investing tax rate , etc
本文采用商务模型,选取比较典型颇具争议的phs “小灵通”无线市话网络的建设进行技术经济分析,通过对财务指标包括财务内部收益率firr 、静态投资回收期、财务净现值、投资利润率、投资利税率等指标的定性计算,对firr的敏感性进行分析,结果表明,市场与电信网络技术的紧密结合将能得到较好的收益。 - After calculation , we got the result that the net present value ( npv ) was a positive number , the intemal rate of retum ( irr ) was higher than the weighted - average cost of capital ( wacc ) , the investment payback period was l l . 7 years , the discoamed payback period was l 7 . 2 years , the payback period of foreign govenunent loan was 7 . l years , and the payback period of meb loan was 8 . 2 years
本调查报告的主要结论是:本项目交通条件良好,具备一定的市场条件,自然条件适宜建设2 5万吨级码头,施工条件良好,项目的净现值为正值,内部收益率高于加权平均资本成本,静态投资回收期11 7年,动态投资回收期17