集腋成裘 meaning in English
collect bits of fur under the foxes' forelegs to make a robe; every little makes a mickle.; make a fur coat from many pieces of felt -- get the benefit of many opinions; many a little makes a mickle.; many a mickle makes a muckle.; many drops of water make an ocean.; many small things put together make a great deal.; penny and penny laid up will be many.; put together the pieces under the forelegs (of foxes) to make robes; small contributions are equally welcome.; the accretion of particles forms a mass.; the bits of fur from the axillae of many foxes taken together will make a robe.; the finest fragments of fox fur, sewn together, will make a robe
- The survival of ybam depends on the accumulation of every member ' s contribution , just like how sand particulates form a mountain
从中也带出了更深一层意义,即马佛青的生存有赖于每一个个人微薄的力量的汇聚,真正体现了集沙成塔、集腋成裘的精神意义。 - Orbis , an independent non profit blindness prevention organization , will use every dollar you donate to fund sight - saving programmes that will help restore the sight of countless thousands of preventably blind people worldwide