间接称谓 meaning in English
mr.xxx mrs.xxx ms.xxx miss.xxx sir
- In daicing dynasty , manchu people combine the loyalty and filial devotion to their parents they advocate that the loyalty to the state is higher than the filial devotion to parents , abiding by the law and cherishing the people ( namely dependent people or subordinate ) is equal to filial devotion to parents , the stupid love to parents is not real filial devotion
史禄国( s . m . shirokogoroff )在socialorganizationofthemanchus ? ? astudyofthemanchuclanorganization中记录的许多满族亲属称谓是间接称谓,不是直接称谓。满族的宗族成员的身份是明确的,但又有时间和空间的限制,并非漫无边际。