
长期威胁 meaning in English

long-term threat


  1. Ultimately , the doctrine allowing pre - emption of long - term threats has the potential to be enormously destabilizing
  2. “ climate change is a bit of a different type of challenge but a challenge i believe is the biggest long - term threat facing our world
  3. They also note that even if the prevalence of depression is similar to the four other chronic physical diseases , the lifetime risk - - the number of people who cycle in and out of depression - - is five to 10 times greater
  4. Announcing this week that he will “ in the future ” go ahead with a long - threatened nuclear bomb - test , mr kim seems bent on upstaging the first formal summit handshake in five years between the estranged leaders of japan and china , east asia ' s biggest powers and its natural and sometimes bitter rivals

Related Words

  1. 进行威胁
  2. 长期
  3. 长期肝胆相照
  4. 长期加速度
  5. 长期观测站
  6. 长期预测
  7. 长期贸易逆差
  8. 长期公债
  9. 长期负载
  10. 长期照料
  11. 长期顽固性脱位
  12. 长期网络拥挤
  13. 长期微扰
  14. 长期委购储税券通知书
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