金刚手 meaning in English
court of the garbhadhātu group destroyer of delusion. also
- When lama yeshe died in 1984 he performed the cremation ceremony together with lama zopa at vajrapani institute in california
当耶喜喇嘛于1984年圆寂时他和梭巴喇嘛一起在金刚手菩萨藏传佛教学会主持其茶毗仪式。 - The buddha said : " good indeed , varjrapania . you protect this dharma and do not let it stop for the great benefit of all living beings in the future
佛言善哉金刚手。汝为未来世一切众生大利益故。护持此法令不断绝。 - Varjrapani asked : “ why is this dharma so wonderfully virtuous ? ” the buddha said : ” because of the spiritual power of this casket seal dharani
金刚手言何因缘故。此法如是殊胜功德。佛言当知以此宝箧印陀罗尼威神力故。 - Vajrapani is an emanation of buddha akshobya ; historically he was a great patron of buddha shakyamunis teachings . it was him who requested the buddha to teach many of the tantras that are practiced today
金刚手菩萨曾大力护持释迦牟尼佛的教法并恳求佛陀传授如来密法我们才有幸于今日修持此殊胜教法。 - It is well preserved . the three colors on the surrounding walls are the symbol of the sagya sect : red represents the lord of wisdom ; white if for the goddess of mercy ; and green is for the bodhisattva of energy and power