
酒后滋事 meaning in English

provoke incidents after getting drunk


  1. The data is then stored on a computer network which other pubs and clubs in the scheme can access so that information on louts can be passed on quickly
  2. The data is then stored on a computer network which other pubs and clubs in the scheme can access so that information on louts can be passed on quickly

Related Words

  1. 滋事
  2. 聚众滋事
  3. 酗酒滋事
  4. 寻衅滋事
  5. 滋事分子
  6. 酒后胆壮
  7. 酒后醉态
  8. 酒后驾驶
  9. 酒后开车
  10. 酒后发怒
  11. 酒后之勇,虚勇。
  12. 酒后之勇,一时的虚勇
  13. 酒后醉态
  14. 酒壶
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