
都市重建 meaning in English

city rebuilding
urban rebuilding


  1. There is also a significant programme of urban regeneration and housing renovation
  2. Most of these have formed part of urban renewal or economic development programmes where cultural activities are expected to play a significant role
  3. An arts district approach is also possible by encouraging change of use , urban renewal , pedestrianisation , etc . in existing areas where the residents and commercial community are establishing a cultural street - life

Related Words

  1. 都市女郎
  2. 都市春天
  3. 都市保育
  4. 都市传奇
  5. 都市中心
  6. 自治都市
  7. 新兴都市
  8. 都市地理学
  9. 国际都市
  10. 都市设施
  11. 都市中犯罪猖獗的地区
  12. 都市中心
  13. 都市周围的
  14. 都市周围的郊外住宅区
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