邀功请赏 meaning in English
take credit and seek rewards for someone else's achievements; seek credit for someone else's accomplishment
- First deserve and then desire
先做到受之无愧,而后再邀功请赏。 - Although it is a fact that the rise of the white player in blues has created a new worldwide audience for the music , many feel that he has again - as in jazz and rock & roll - garnered far more than his fair share of the profit and the glory in the process
虽然白人艺术家对蓝调音乐走向世界做出了不可磨灭的贡献,但其仍有越俎代庖、受之有过之嫌- -正如他们对本属于黑人文化的摇滚、爵士乐等的发展邀功请赏一样。