选择衰落 meaning in English
selective fading
- It is based on the mean square error ( mse ) principle and we prove the validity of the method by computer simulations . to make a thorough understanding of mimo adaptive equalization system , in this thesis the author : 1 ) ananlyze the characteristics of mimo wideband channels and the modeling and simulation of 3gpp scm ; 2 ) research the capability of mimo linear adaptive equalization and mimo non - linear adaptive equalization by computer simulations ; 3 ) present a new method for selecting the order of adfe model 4 ) implement the adfe on adsp - 21160 for static image transmission , and already achieve satisfactory experimental result , which make a foundation for mimo adaptive equalization to be appllied in the real communication systems
为对mimo自适应均衡系统性能和设计做更深入的理解和研究,本文主要: 1 )研究了宽带选择衰落信道特性及3gppscm信道建模仿真; 2 ) mimo线性自适应均衡器和mimo非线性自适应均衡器系统的性能分析和仿真实现; 3 ) mimo系统下的判决反馈均衡器的阶数选择仿真试验分析; 4 )把mimo自适应判决反馈均衡运用到了硬件仿真平台上,采用了基于adsp - 21160的硬件dsp开发板,对静止图片的传输进行了试验、分析和比较,得到了较满意的实验结果,使mimo自适应均衡在实际通信系统上的应用及实现奠定了现实基础。