
迷途指津 meaning in English

the guide for the perplexed


  1. Spanish - born jewish philosopher and physician . the greatest jewish scholar of the middle ages , he codified the talmud and in guide for the perplexed ( 1190 ) reconciled aristotelian philosophy with jewish theology
    迈蒙尼德,摩西1135 - 1204西班牙裔的犹太哲学家和医生。中世纪最伟大的犹太学者,他编纂了犹太法典并且在迷途指津中融合了亚里士多德的哲学和犹太宗教学。

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  8. 迷途故事
  9. 迷途的
  10. 迷途酴醚
  11. 迷途之家
  12. 迷途之鸟
  13. 迷途中的鬼魂
  14. 迷途酴醚
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