过度振荡 meaning in English
overshoot oscillation
- We get into several theoretical discussions in the part two , and point out that the huge population is the very encumbrance of the modernization course in the country . historical experience of china farming since 1950s is covered in the third section , which prove the theoretical hypothesis reached in the former chapter , the suggestion here is that decision maker have to pay the most attention to the excess baggage . part four focus on the strategic decisions of wuhan , the archtypes of agricultural modernization are created in this part , also a conclusion is draw that , instead of putting the three strategies together , agricultural integration is the most suitable choice for the rural area of wuhan
在文章的第三部分,首先运用一般的历史分析方法,对我国农业现代化的历史进行了总结和归纳;在此基础上,运用系统动力学的方法,建立了不同历史时期农业发展问题的系统基模,并以此对农业现代化的动态复杂特性进行了深入的研究和探索;也进一步证实了我国农业现代化进程的最为本质的制约因素是农业劳动力转移问题,同时还指出,历史上的种种“失误” 、 “不足” ,正是由于缺乏或忽略了对农业现代化的这种动态复杂特性的深刻认识,并导致了我国农业现代化进程的过度振荡与滞缓。