轻装步兵 meaning in English
- The assembly of the centuries organized the roman populace for military purposes into groups of 100 fighting - men ( called " centuriae " ) in each of 5 different categories ( called " classes " ) for a total of 193 centuries altogether : 18 equestrian centuries , 80 heavy infantry , 90 light infantry , 4 artisans and musicians , and 1 of unpropertied soldiers
百人大会原针对军事目的,在不同的五个阶级中,将罗马民众组织成百名战士一队(称做百人队)的团体,总数为193队: 18队百人骑兵队、 80队重装步兵团、 90队轻装步兵团、 4队工匠跟乐师、和1队无产民兵团。