跳楼身亡 meaning in English
jumto one’s death to
- Dor more than 10 years , chi , a journalist has the same nightmare every night . one day , on her way to an interview mission , a man jumps out of a buildi . .
一天她与同事琪谷祖琳饰于采访途中,碰上一名男子跳楼身亡,然而芝独自在深夜加班 - For more than 10 years , chi , a journalist has the same nightmare every night . one day , on her way to an interview mission , a man jumps out of a buildi . .
一天她与同事琪谷祖琳饰于采访途中,碰上一名男子跳楼身亡,然而芝独自在深夜加班 - For more than 10 years , chi , a journalist has the same nightmare every night . one day , on her way to an interview mission , a man jumps out of a building and kills himself . when chi works overtime all by herself in the office one night , she encounters the man who has committed suicide . .
一天她与同事琪谷祖琳饰于采访途中,碰上一名男子跳楼身亡,然而芝独自在深夜加班时,竟于办公室内碰上了他,幸得上司兼男友阿祖梁汉文饰从旁保护。 - Dor more than 10 years , chi , a journalist has the same nightmare every night . one day , on her way to an interview mission , a man jumps out of a building and kills himself . when chi works overtime all by herself in the office one night , she encounters the man who has committed suicide . .
一天她与同事琪谷祖琳饰于采访途中,碰上一名男子跳楼身亡,然而芝独自在深夜加班时,竟于办公室内碰上了他,幸得上司兼男友阿祖梁汉文饰从旁保护。 - It has been reported that not long ago an ex - mental patient , who relapsed due to a divorce , died after having jumped from lei chak house of ap lei chau estate , carrying his six - year - old son with him . the incident causes extensive concern in the social work sector regarding family services , as well as treatment and rehabilitation services provided for mental patients