超前的技术 meaning in English
go-beyond technology
- The seventh generation guarded against losing - " not to be able to lose " guards against the losing - in advance technology , the home newest breakthrough , let your surefire belt child window - shop , how walks loses has managed
第七代防丢器- “丢不了”防丢器-超前的技术,国内最新突破,让你万无一失带小孩逛街,走丢了怎么办? - English info : at ibm , we strive to lead in the invention , development and manufacture of the industry most advanced information technologies , including computer systems , software , storage systems and microelectronics
在过去的八十多年里,世界经济不断发展,现代科学日新月异, ibm始终以超前的技术,出色的管理和独树一帜的产品领导着信息产业的发展,保证了世界范围内几乎所有行业用户对信息处理的全方位需求。