谈判范围 meaning in English
negotiation range
negotiation scope
- An important unresolved issue on which views differ is whether trade in services should be included in the negotiations-and if so, in what manner .
有一个尚待解决的重要问题看法不一致,那就是劳务贸易是否应包含在谈判范围之中,如包含在内则应如何进行。 - With the development of economic globalization , problems of investment are not related to trade . as investment issues were not mentioned in gatt in 1947 , trade related measures were finally included in the uruguay round negotiations , due to the relationship between trade and investment . at the end , agreement on trade related measures ( trims ) was signed and imposed by members of the wto
由于在1947年gatt条款和规则中未提到投资,而投资与贸易之间有着种种直接或间接的关系,所以在乌拉圭回合谈判中, “与贸易有关投资措施”被列入谈判范围,并最终达成《与贸易有关的投资措施的协定》 (通常简称为“ trims协定” ) ,为wto的成员所共同遵守。