
调谐机构 meaning in English

tuning gear
tuning mechanism


  1. For the first time , three types of sine structures for wavelength linear scale in grating spectrum instruments are described systematically . the tuning structures for wavelength linear scale in both littrow and littman set - up external - cavity laser diodes are designed
    ( 3 )首次系统地分析了光栅光谱仪器中的三类正弦机构,分别设计了可实现波长线性标度的littrow和littman外腔半导体激光器调谐机构
  2. At the same time we based on the high precision tuning mechanism and computer controlling feed - back technology to design pid controller . so , we finished design of closed - circuit controlling system and achieved the goal of sampling and feedback

Related Words

  1. 机械调谐
  2. 调谐电感
  3. 总调谐
  4. 调谐电动机
  5. 调谐不准
  6. 天线调谐
  7. 介质调谐
  8. 调谐波段
  9. 调谐开关
  10. 电调谐
  11. 调谐回路微调
  12. 调谐活塞
  13. 调谐机构的回差
  14. 调谐激光器
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