许金 meaning in English
- R . n . proctor , value - free science is ? purity and power in modern knowledge , harvard university press , 1991 , p . 25
马斯洛: 《动机与人格》 ,许金声译,北京:华夏出版社, 1987年第1版,第7页。 - R . n . proctor , value - free science is ? purity and power in modern knowledge , harvard university press , 1991 , pp . 29 ~ 30
马斯洛: 《动机与人格》 ,许金声译,北京:华夏出版社, 1987年第1版,第7页。 - Mortimer mishkin of the national institute of mental health has proposed different neural circuits for memory , including a higher - level corticolimbic circuit for what is generally referred to as semantic or cognitive memory , and a lower - level corticostriatal circuit for the more primitive habit memory that is most often referred to as procedural memory
美国国家精神卫生研究院的密许金,提出记忆具有不同神经通路的说法,包括较高层次的皮质边缘通路,负责一般称为语意或认知方面的记忆,以及较低层次的皮质纹状体通路,负责比较原始、习惯性的记忆,也称为程序记忆。 - Among the important guests who came from faraway parts of the world were mr . xiang - xing mo , chairman of the republican party in the western states of america ; mr . zhen - xi chang , chairman of the board of the paraguay cultural center ; ms . xian - nu xu jin , professor at the royal dance academy in spain ; mr . chi - kun liao , the chief editor for the china times in the u . s . a . ; mr . hong - kwang chen , the secretary general of the world cultural communication association , usa ; mr . da - min chen zhong , news columnist for the washington post , usa ; mr . priyo suwarno , journalist for the surabaya newspaper of indonesia
福尔摩沙的立委林正杰先生朱凤芝女士代表李必贤立委代表及各界代表也到会场或致电祝贺,而远自各国而来的贵宾如:美国共和党美西主席莫翔兴先生巴拉圭文化中心董事张振西先生西班牙皇家舞蹈学院教授许金仙女女士美国中华时报总编辑廖启锟先生世界文化交流协会秘书长陈洪钢先生华府新闻专栏作家陈钟大明先生印尼泗水日报记者priyo suwarno先生。