
蚕茧生产 meaning in English

cocoon production


  1. Investigation and analysis on autumn cocoon production in pizhou city
  2. Part 4 to chapter 11 analyzed respectively on the production cost of cocoon , competition among industry in main production province such as zhejiang province , jiangsu province , guangdong province , sichuan province , shandong province and so on . and also include the comparative analysis on cost and benefit of cocoon production in deferent producing areas . part 12 analyzed the transfer of cocoon outputs and distributing of producing areas of sericulture , and put forward the countermeasures on improving the sustain development of sericulture in china
    第1部分引言,简要介绍了本论文研究的目的和意义、国内外研究进展以及本论文的结构;第2部分从理论上系统介绍了我国蚕茧生产成本的构成、以及调查与核算的方法;第3部分实证分析了我国蚕茧生产成本的总体变化,以及蚕茧生产与其它农产品的竞争力比较;第4 11部分分别对浙江、江苏、广东、四川、山东等七个主产省的蚕茧生产成本、产业间竞争力进行了实证分析,以及对各主产地间的蚕茧生产成本、效益进行了比较分析;第12部分实证分析了建国以来我国蚕茧产量和蚕业产地分布的变迁,并以蚕茧生产成本为中心分析,提出了促进我国蚕业可持续发展的对策。
  3. Therefore , based on the statistics of sericultural production and production cost of cocoon , this dissertation analyzed on production cost of cocoon and competition of different industry and sustain development of sericulture . this dissertation includes 12 parts . part 1 introduced briefly on the significance and method of the research , current research situation and the structure of this dissertation
  4. But from 1995 , suffered from unmarketable of silk in word market and the production scale becoming too large , have made the supply of cocoon more than the needs . accordingly the purchasing price has go down , while the production cost has gone up with the price going up and devotion increasing of rearing tools , drugs of silkworm and fertilizer , so the earning for rearing silkworm gets lower , and the positivity of production has been defeated
  5. A cocoon - quality comparison made between ningxia , xichang of sichuan and jiangsu shows that the causes for better quality of cocoons puoduced in the former two regions lie in a higher sunshine intensity and sufficient water resource despite of considerable arid climate , therefore , suggestions are made on the construction of a new sericulture belt covering shaanxi , southern gansu , western sichuan and eastern yunnan , as a production base for quality cocoons in china

Related Words

  1. 蚕茧
  2. 蚕茧收成
  3. 蚕茧切片机
  4. 野蚕茧
  5. 蚕茧短纤维
  6. 蚕茧干燥机
  7. 蚕茧酶
  8. 工业用蚕茧
  9. 蚕茧检定所
  10. 蚕茧真空干燥
  11. 蚕茧酶
  12. 蚕茧切片机
  13. 蚕茧收成
  14. 蚕茧似的皱裂
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