
芳香族溶剂 meaning in English

aromatic solvent


  1. Comparison of the diffusion coefficients calculated by this new model with the present experimental data , including benzene , toluene , ethylbenzene in polystyrene ( ps ) and poly ( methyl methacrylate ) ( pmma ) are performed , calculation results in this study are in good agreement with experimental data , for the correct estimation of the hole - free volume change above and below the glass transition
  2. The fluorescence spectra of the conjugationed polymer containing of n - ( a - naphthyl ) carbazole show that the emission sprctra in aromatic solvents are more red - shifted than that in aliphatic solvents although these solvents have the same polarity . the fluorescence chatacteristics were different from th e n - ( a - naphthyl ) carbazole ' s . the fluorescence of the conjugationed polymer can be quenched by electron donors and cm and cannot be quenched by electron acceptors
    对含有n - ( -荼基)咔唑基团的共轭高聚物,它在芳香族溶剂中的荧光发射比非芳香族溶剂中明显红移,也不具有n - ( -萘基)咔唑单元所具有的分子内电荷转移特性,它的荧光只能被电子给体和c _ ( 60 )猝灭而不能被一般的电子受体猝灭。

Related Words

  1. 芳香族
  2. 芳香族氨基酸
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  4. 芳香族化合物
  5. 芳香族碳氢化合物
  6. 芳香族的
  7. 芳香族馏分
  8. 芳香族聚酰胺
  9. 芳香族酸
  10. 芳香族分子
  11. 芳香族取代
  12. 芳香族取代定向
  13. 芳香族酸
  14. 芳香族碳化氢
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