
自差 meaning in English

[电子学] autodyne; autoheterodyne; endodyne; self-heterodyne
◇自差接收机 autodyne; autodyne radio; 自差收音机 autoheterodyne; autoheterodyne receiver; autodyne radio


  1. Deviation equation of magnetic compass based on a set of trigonometric function
  2. Vertical correcting magnet
  3. Function test and calibration self - heterodyne curve for direction finder on sea trial
  4. Magnetic compass is one of directional navigation instrument in ship fitting , the deviation of magnetic compass will influence the navigational safety of ship
  5. Focusing on some disadvantages which exist in the training of measuring and eliminating deviation of magnetic compass in the labs of colleges , this article put forward how to develop a training system of measuring and eliminating deviation of magnetic compass , to build an integrated training lab so as to improve the ability of navigating officers in measuring and eliminating deviation of magnetic compass

Related Words

  1. 自插导管
  2. 自查
  3. 自差, 自差电路
  4. 自差, 自拍
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