脉冲占空比 meaning in English
pulse duty factor
pulse duty ratio
pulse duty-cycle
pulse rate factor
- According the temperature distribution of the high power laser diode array , we design a high efficient water cooler to accelerate the conduction of heat with the circular water in the cooler in order to disperse the heat in the active region of a laser , so we can keep a constant operational temperature . by doing those and solving such problems , we can master the technology of gaining the high duty - cycle high power laser diode array , including the material growth , the making of a laser bar
通过对该项目进行研究,解决高占空比大功率半导体激光器阵列材料生长、管芯制作、器件制作等工艺难点,掌握高占空比大功率半导体激光器阵列的制作关键技术,将激光器工作的脉冲占空比提高到20 ,以适应泵浦nd : yag固体激光器的要求。