耶路撒冷邮报 meaning in English
jerusalem post overseas weekly
- According to the israeli " jerusalem post " on december 1 , 2003 , the " bible " recorded in the birthplace of jesus christ in bethlehem , as a new born baby face , the mysterious birth mark , causing the local population legendary tale , the magic of a small boy time attracting tens of thousands of palestinians look at the former 000 lives , or even to know the things the little guys pay homage
据以色列《耶路撒冷邮报》 2003年12月1日报道,在《圣经》记载的基督诞生地伯利恒,因为一名新生男婴脸上出现神秘的胎记,引发了当地民众传奇般的传说,这个神奇的小男婴一时间吸引了数以万计的巴勒斯坦人前去看个稀奇,甚至还对这个不谙世事的小家伙顶礼膜拜。