
羽绒羽毛 meaning in English

down and feather


  1. Testing methods for down and feather
  2. Determination of down content of washed feather and down - down testing instrumentation
  3. Cfna held a meeting on 23 january 2003 to revise and approve national standard for feather and down and its inspection methods
    2003年1月23日,国家标准《羽绒羽毛》 、 《羽绒羽毛检验方法》审定会在北京召开。
  4. From 15 to 16 nov 2002 , feather and down products sub - chamber held the second - session of conference on revision of testing method for down
    2002年11月15 16日,羽毛羽绒制品分会举行国家标准《羽绒羽毛检验方法》第二次修订会议。

Related Words

  1. 羽绒
  2. 羽绒枕
  3. 羽绒离心机
  4. 羽绒袜子
  5. 羽绒鹰
  6. 羽绒垫
  7. 羽绒锦鸡
  8. 羽绒织物
  9. 羽绒毯
  10. 羽绒褛
  11. 羽绒衣
  12. 羽绒鹰
  13. 羽绒枕
  14. 羽绒枕头
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