经济外部性 meaning in English
economic externality
- This dissertation focuses on the issues of the present economic externalities in china
本论文是关于中国现实社会中经济外部性问题的研究。 - 7 . the train of thought innovated to the externality precaution at the present stage is as
因此,即便是理论上可以寻求到对经济外部性的测定方式,其结果仍然是与 - So externality means the phenomena of economic subjects have not assumed all costs or enjoyed all incomes conscientiously and unconsciously in produce , management , and consumption activities
所谓经济外部性是指经济主体在生产、经营、消费活动中,自觉或不自觉地没有承担全部成本或没有享受全部收益的现象。 - In this section also explains affect mechanism of " learning by doing " . section 4 . 3 studies the micro mechanism effect of technological innovation on the economic growth path , from this point explains endogeny of technological progress
2节主要探讨“知识” , “ r & d ”等因素在微观层次如何表现出经济外部性,在本节中还解释了“干中学”效应的作用机制。 - Because of some reasons such an industry ' s advantage position ( market position ) difference , trade produce management characteristic difference , trade engineering level difference , externality condition difference , and so on , cost externality is easy brought in some industry ( trade ) , income externality is easy produced in some industry ( trade ) , the course of the economic externality demonstrates more outstanding difference of industry ( trade )
经济外部性呈现出明显的产业(行业)特征与区域特征。由于产业优势地位(市场地百甫农业大学2004届体士学位论文位)差异、行业生产经营特点差异、行业技术水平差异、外部性的条件差异等原因,有些产业(行业)容易成本外部化, ?有些产业(行业)一容易收益外部化,经济外部化的过程呈现出比较突出的产业(行业)差异