组织间网络 meaning in English
interorganizational network
- Review of operational model among inter - organizational networks
组织间网络运作模式研究综述 - In ci1apter 5 , i investigate a tobacco e11terprise vhici1 beio11g to il1al1ufacturi11g i11dusm tlirough analyzing its developing history i fil1d out ti1at its strtcture is ci1al1ge froll1 l1ierarcl1 } " to network , especially its interorganizational neti ! ork
其后,分别对组织内和组织间网络的作用、特征、机制以及两者间的关系结构做了具体的阐释,从而构建起一个完整的网络组织框架。 - Tl1is dissertatiol1 is l11ail1l } " to study the relatiol1 bet veel1 organizatiol1 l1etworking alld ilifor1natizatiol1 and explail1 tl1e structure al1d action pattenl of network orgal1izatiol1 . in tl1is dissertatioll , i also coilcrctely researci1 t11e col1d1tion of orga11izatiol1 networking in ellterprises of china tlirough appiyil1g case sttldy a11d qlialltltatix , e a11a1ysis . in the first four chapters , i mainly discuss ti1e ti1eory about l1ctxxork orga11izatiol1