
约定价值 meaning in English

agreed valuation
agreed value
commitment value


  1. This thesis is divided into five parts . in the first part , through the comparison between mortgage and the pledge rights , and drawing lessons from wang limin ( professor of china people ' s university ) ' s idea , the author gives a definition to the pledge rights : it ' s the rights that when the debtor does n ' t fulfill his obligation , the creditor can be given the legal rights to take possession of a house or some other property as a security for payment of money lent . then the author makes further explanation to the pledge rights from the which analyzes the legal meaning of returing the security wantonly , although the supreme court made it clear that " after the creditor returned the security to the debtor , and comfronts the third person based on the pledge rights , the court will not support it " , thecourt did n ' t explicit whether the pledge rights dies out or is invalid . the author poses out when in this situation , the pledge rights dies out
    如在论述动产质权实现条件时,分析了我国《担保法》第七十一条的不足之处并提出了自己的见解:职权人只能在非自身的原因未能受到清偿时才能实现其质权;质权实现时质物价值超过约定价值的部分应归出质人所有;而质权人怠于行使质权而使质物价值下跌的,质权人应承担赔偿责任。再如在分析任意返还质。物的法律意义时,针对最高人民法院尽管在其司法解释中明确了“质权人将质物返i ” a硕士学住论文v不示yw订比’ sn正狠还于出质人后,以其质权对抗第三人的,人民法院不予支持” ,但没有明确此种情况下,质权是消灭还是无效的缺陷,笔者提出了质权人将质物返还于出质人或质物所有人的质权消灭的观点。
  2. The agreed value of the cargo shall be deemed to be equal to the total amount insured under the primary insurance and all increased value insurance covering the loss and effected on the cargo by the assured , and liability under this insurance shall be in such proportion as the sum insured herein bears to such total amount insured

Related Words

  1. 约定
  2. 约定款额
  3. 照约定
  4. 布鲁塞尔约定
  5. 甜蜜约定
  6. 秘密约定
  7. 调用约定
  8. 约定租金
  9. 约定平价
  10. 约定剂量
  11. 约定剂量当量
  12. 约定价格
  13. 约定价值, 承担价值
  14. 约定交货期
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