粒子-空穴 meaning in English
- This should be an incentive to apply the rrpa method with non - linear effective lagrangians to study other systems such as unstable nuclei near drip lines . for nuclei with the extreme value of n / z , low - lying collective excitations are found in isovector dipole modes , which are mainly due to the particle - hole excitation of weakly bound states near fermi surface and the isospin mixture effect
将相对论无规位相近似理论推广应用到奇特核集体激发态的研究,发现对于奇特核的同位旋矢量激发模式在很低能量下会出现软模式的巨偶极共振,这主要是由于费米面附近粒子-空穴激发所形成的。 - The relativistic random phase approximation ( rrpa ) is a relativistic extension of the random phase approximation for studying microscopically nuclear dynamical excitations and giant resonances . the consistency of rrpa calculations requires two aspects : first , it demands that the relativistic mean - field wave " function of nucleus and the particle - hole residual interactions in the rrpa are calculated in a same effective lagrangian . second , the consistent treatment of rrpa within rmf approximation requires the configurations including not only the pairs formed from the occupied fermi states and unoccupied stat es but also the pairs formed from the dirac states and occupied fermi states